For VIP wealthy people! Japanese Events and 3 Popular Performances

Motenas Representative
Motenas Representative

I’m thinking something like, “What kind of performance would please a foreign VIP?” but I don’t know what would be good.

We want people to experience authentic, traditional Japanese culture if they are willing to go to the trouble.

We want to provide heartfelt hospitality with non-monotonous performance for wealthy foreign customers.

Such voices have been heard often recently.

Also, many of you are wondering what kind of performance your foreign customers would like to see.

If the event is monotonous and lacking in content, people will not be able to enjoy it.

For those who have such concerns, I, as an expert on Japanese culture, will propose a Japanese cultural performance that will be popular among foreigners.

Please read this if you are worried about your performance, as it is likely to make your event more exciting.


What foreign visitors to Japan are looking for

At the risk of sounding harsh, we cannot please you with a run-of-the-mill performance.

VIP foreigners who have visited Japan before or are familiar with Japanese culture will be bored with events with thin content.

We would like you to spend more intense time with us.

In this issue.

  • Meet the real thing
  • Experience Japanese culture
  • Communication with Japanese

in the following order.

What exactly is the kind of performance that visitors to Japan are looking for?

Meet the real thing

The most important thing is that Japanese culture is authentic.

Foreign guests who are accustomed to entertaining will not be satisfied with childish performances.

To make the performance less childish, it must be enjoyable not only for foreign guests but also for Japanese.

That is, it is authentic.

For example, if you want to perform using samurai, you should have someone who is well-trained in swordsmanship.

If you are going to use ninjas, you should have performers who seem to have knowledge of ninjas, not just acrobatic performers.

Only by preparing first-rate people and arts will you have the satisfaction of encountering the real thing.

Experience Japanese culture

It is also important to experience Japanese culture.

Not only to appreciate the performance, but also to touch it well.

In other words, it is about understanding the culture.

When it comes to events and performances, there is a tendency to go for the flashy and glitzy.

However, foreign VIP guests who are used to entertaining have already experienced such things.

There are many groups that perform better overseas, especially in terms of glitz and glamour.

It is a Japanese performance after all.

Many Japanese cultures and arts are produced with the aim of harmonizing flamboyance and maturity.

The way to enjoy the performance or art will change as you gain a deeper understanding of the background, history, and traditions that gave birth to the performance or art.

Why was this art born in Japan and how has it been passed down to the present?

The more such knowledge you have, the better you understand the culture and the more memorable your performance will be.

Enjoy the richness of Japanese culture that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Communicate with Japanese

Various forms of communication are also required.

Performances are not just for viewing.

VIP guests’ hearts will dance when they can communicate with ninjas, samurai, and geisha.

It is also recommended to interact not only with performers but also with people of status, such as masters who have passed down the art form.

Performances can be one-way events on the part of the viewer and the performer.

But communication has the power to change events that tend to be monotonous and conventional because they are interrelated.

Three examples of performances for events to please wealthy and VIP visitors to Japan

If you are interested in examples of uniquely Japanese hospitality and cultural experiences practiced by expatriates, please refer to this article.

Practice by expatriates! Examples of Japanese hospitality and cultural experiences

So what kind of content would make a performance appreciated?

In this issue.

  • music
  • kabuki
  • tea ceremony

three of them.


It is music with Japanese instruments.

Japanese music was originally used in festivals.

Japanese mythology also tells of an anecdote in which a kagura, a musical instrument, was played, a dance was performed, and a festival was held.

The difference between this music and Western music would be the difference in volume.

Wadaiko (Japanese drum) and yokobue (flute), which have been modified to have a relatively large sound for use in festivals, are representative of this type of music and are very dynamic.

On the other hand, the original, older instruments tend to be quieter.

This was the case in Japan, where music was played in a small room and in a soundless situation.

Listening to the very subtle differences in sound was the standard for beauty in ancient Japanese music.

Japanese traditional musical instruments have a wide range of connections to Kabuki, Japanese dance, and Rakugo.


This is what we call a musical overseas.

However, the problem was that it was difficult to understand.

It takes a lot of study for modern Japanese to understand the stories and lines of Kabuki.

This is especially true if the customer is a foreigner.

However, it is possible to provide hospitality by having a storyteller who explains the story and proceeds with the Kabuki performance.

Of course, this is a bit out of step with the original Kabuki.

It is important to make such efforts to sincerely please the audience as a performance.

tea ceremony

This one may be a little different from the performance.

However, as a place of communication, the tea ceremony can be very useful.

Tea parties are also found abroad.

Some countries have in common a high degree of prestige and courtesy.

Japan similarly evolved as a place for exchange.

When you walk into a tea room, you are on the same level as anyone else, and you can talk calmly.”

The leisurely flow of time is an exquisite treat for busy international VIP guests.

There is a wide variety of tea cakes and other sweets, some of which are so beautiful that even Japanese people find it difficult to eat them in accordance with the four seasons.

Such a special experience brings peace of mind and joy to our customers.


Traditional Japanese culture has a different flavor from that of other countries.

Japan is a strange country with unique customs and culture.

Many foreign customers have longed for Japan in every age.

You want to deliver the kind of performance to the heart that you are really looking for.

We have made recommendations for events for this purpose.

For foreign VIP guests, the resourcefulness is very much appreciated.

Let’s have a wonderful time according to your personality.

Motenas Japan offers not only traditional Japanese performing arts, traditional culture, and martial arts events, but also a mix of them.

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